Grace Evangelical Church
"Growing in Grace"
Our guest speaker at the lunch will be Barbara Metzelaars, the wife of former NFL player and current Indianapolis Colts Offensive Line Coach Pete Metzelaars. Pete and Barbara have been married since they were in their teens and have two grown sons. You will not want to miss Barbara share their journey of faith and how they have grown in grace, watching as God brought them from a tragic situation to glory in Him.
~ Sign up on the Women's Ministry bulletin board by March 14th.
~ Let Libby Davis know if you would like to be a table hostess for this event.
~ Please bring a salad for a pitch-in lunch and an item to donate to Life Centers (crisis pregnancy center).~ Let Libby Davis know if you would like to be a table hostess for this event.
Donation Suggestions for Life Centers
Any baby or maternity items are welcome, but especially:
- Diapers (all sizes, but particularly: newborn, 4, 5, and 6)
- Wipes
- Bottles
- 0-3 month size girl and boy clothing
- 24 month size girl and boy clothing
- Bassinets
- Any furniture items (car seats and cribs are only accepted if they are new in the box, everything else can be gently used)